hysop.operator.base.advection_dir module¶
- class hysop.operator.base.advection_dir.DirectionalAdvectionBase(velocity, relative_velocity, splitting_direction, advected_fields_in, advected_fields_out, variables, dt, velocity_cfl, remesh_criteria_eps=None, **kwds)[source]¶
Particle advection of field(s) in a given direction, on any backend, with cartesian remeshing.
- Parameters:
velocity (Field) – Continuous velocity field (all components)
splitting_direction (int) – The splitting direction.
advected_fields_in (Field or array like of Fields) – Instance or list of continuous fields to be advected.
advected_fields_out (Field or array like of Field) – Where input fields should be remeshed.
relative_velocity (array-like relative velocities, optional) – Relative velocity that has to be taken into account. Vi = Ui - Urel[i] for each components.
variables (dict) – Dictionary of continuous fields as keys and topologies as values.
dt (ScalarParameter) – Timestep parameter that will be used for time integration.
velocity_cfl (float or tuple) – Velocity cfl in given direction. In case of tuple given, value is taken from splitting direction.
remesh_criteria_eps (int) – Minimum number of epsilons (in specified precision) that will trigger remeshing. By default every non zero value is remeshed.
kwds – Extra parameters passed to generated directional operators.
- velocity¶
Continuous velocity field (all components)
- Type: